As we enter November, you would have noticed a chill in the air that indicates that winter is quickly approaching. Folks, it’s time to dig out your winter coats and your dog’s sweaters. Because winter will creep up soon, the freezing temperatures and heavy snow might force us to stay indoors in the upcoming months.
While this might be enjoyable for many of us, it might be a struggle for our pets who love going out. Moreover, the laziness that tags along in winters may become a barrier for us to keep our pets healthy and happy.
When dealing with snowfall and temperatures below zero, a lot of questions may arise in your mind related to your pet’s health, including:
- How to keep my pet active while staying indoors?
- What things can I do to keep my dog active and excited during winter?
- How to tackle laziness during winter to keep my pet healthy?
- Would my pet be able to deal with the sudden weather change?
If you have similar questions in mind, get up, kick off the laziness and prep up to keep your pets active, healthy and happy with our winter plan for your pets.
” Say Goodbye To Autumn & Hello To Winter! “
In times of unsure weather, there aren’t many activities that dogs can do inside the house, but don’t let that stop you from having fun with your pets. Here are a few remarkable activities that you must include in your pet’s calendar this month to welcome the chilly season.
Nov. 1: National Cook for Your Pet Day
What could be a better way to welcome the winter than sipping hot chocolate while they enjoy their favorite food by your side? Start your winter by cooking your pet’s favorite meals and letting them savor those to their heart’s content.
Nov. 16: National Slobber Appreciation Day
It’s a day dedicated to drooling dog breeds to flaunt and celebrate this unique characteristic that makes them special and extra huggable to those who care about them. Whether you have a drolly dog or not, this day is the perfect time to appreciate one along with your pet.
Nov. 17: National Take a Hike Day
Grab your rucksacks and sneakers, and get ready for a chilly adventure with your furry friend if you’re up for a memorable hike. A hike in winter will not only keep you and your pet warm, but will also keep you both active!
Nov. 25th: Thanksgiving Day
When the most awaited festival of the year arrives, we are sure you must be as excited as every American is! With the mandatory Thanksgiving dinner and all the festive vibes, enjoy every moment of the Thanksgiving Day with your furry friend by spending more time with them.
Nov. 26th: Black Friday
Finally, when the year’s most awaited shopping bonanza arrives, you know what you should be doing! Fill your carts with your favorite pet essentials and save big with the Black Friday sales.
Don’t forget to check out as we have mind blowing deals on pet essentials that you shouldn’t miss.
” Do This To Keep Your Dog Active In Winter “
Inactivity during winter is a major cause of health problems in pets. As winter weather makes outdoor visits less frequent, there are fair chances for your cat or dog to gain weight. It may eventually lead to obesity and obesity-related problems as well. Moreover, lots of unused energy may cause behavioral problems as well as destructive behavior.
Mentioned above were a few creative ways to keep your pet engaged. But, you should also consider some exciting option like the ones mentioned below while staying in:
- Play treasure hunt
- Set up a play date
- Teach new tricks
- Play fetch in the backyard
- Practice Doga
Although it might be tempting to let your pet hibernate the winter way with the dropping temperatures and shorter days, don’t let the temptation win you over.
Keep these simple things in mind as it is important to stimulate your pet physically and mentally round the year to keep them active and happy.
4 Simple and Fun-filled Winter Games to Play with your Dog
Indoor Activities to Do With Your Dog In Winter
Keeping Your Pet Safe This Thanksgiving Day