Criterion For Selecting The Best Flea & Tick Control Treatment For Your Pet canadavetexpress June 6, 2017 Pet owners are always in a fix when it comes to selection of flea and tick preventative treatments for their fur babies. With so many… Continue Reading
9 Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas From Your Pet canadavetexpress May 16, 2017 It can be very irritating not only for your furry pal, but also you to see fleas on his body. These pesky parasites make the… Continue Reading
4 Quick Fix Remedies For Dull Hair Coat in Cats canadavetexpress April 21, 2017 Although your cat’s hair coat might seem to be problematic when you are vacuuming in the house, it plays a vital role in protecting the… Continue Reading
Detecting Arthritis in Cats : Preventing And Treating Arthritis in Cats canadavetexpress March 10, 2017 If you own a cat, irrespective of the size and breed you do not want to miss this write-up. It is high time that all… Continue Reading
7 Pet Care Areas Worth Spending Top Dollars canadavetexpress February 7, 2017 Pet owners love to snuggle their pets, dress them in flamboyant outfits, show pictures of them to their friends and try to devote as much… Continue Reading
Weekend Wow Labor Day Sale is Here!!! canadavetexpress September 1, 2016 Labor day weekend is the last long weekend of the passing summer. This is the perfect time for pet owners to move outdoors with… Continue Reading
Advantage or Advantix Flea Preventative : Which works best for your Pet canadavetexpress August 17, 2016 Bayer manufactures two different types of flea control that makes pet owners feel confused with one another which can be very critical for the health… Continue Reading
5 Cat Toys and Games Tailor-Made for Entertaining Indoor Cats canadavetexpress June 21, 2016 Indoor cats need something to kill their time otherwise they tend to get bored quite easily. They are always looking for new things to do… Continue Reading
The Secret of a Well-Socialized Kitten… Different Exposures that can Assist Young Ones canadavetexpress May 25, 2016 Getting a newborn kitten is a great opportunity to mold the young one’s behavior as per your requirement. Socializing a new born kitten can be… Continue Reading
A Step-by-Step Guide to Curb the Biting Habit of my Kitty during Playtime canadavetexpress May 3, 2016 One moment your kitty would make you fall head over heels through their ever so friendly smiling gesture while at other times this sweet, friendly… Continue Reading